miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

English class 81

Today is...

 How are you today?? We hope you are fine!!!

Look at the beautiful drawings you made yesterday! 

And you are writing a lot!

Today we are going to think about "Animals helping animals"

Did you know that some animals help one another? 

Baboons and impalas warn one another of danger: 

The anemone will sting any animal, but not the clown fish. 
The clown fish can swim because the anemone doesn't hurt him: 

The bird is cleaning the insects off of the cow. 
The bird gets a meal and the cow gets clean: 

Like people, many animals help one another. 
They do this so that they can live together and survive.  
How do you feel when you help?


1) Make a drawing about:"Animals helping animals". Write 2 or 3 sentences about it. 

2) Make a drawing about you: "This is me helping someone". Explain who are you helping, what are you doing and how do you feel. 

Well done, children!!!

We want to see your drawings!!!

Send us the photos!!!!

Miss Claudia and Miss Daiana

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