miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

English 22

Hi, kids!!!
How are you?
What´s the weather like today?

Pronóstico del clima para los próximos días | Canal 4 Las Rosas

Let´s start!!! Empecemos !!

Today is Wednesday, May 13th
It is ........................
We are in autumn

Today you will watch a video about animals and answer the following questions with
Yes, I can/ No, I can´t

  1. Can you see a zebra?

  1. Can you see an elephant?

  1. Can you see a horse?

  1. Can you see a lion?

  1. Can you see a peacock?

  1. Can you see a whale?

  1. Can you see a walrus?

Now we want you to choose your favourite animal. Draw it or look for a picture and write three characteristics in English about it to share on Monday 18th. Work on your folder.

(Ahora queremos que elijas a tu animal favorito. Dibujalo o buscá una foto y escribí tres características en inglés para compartir en clase el lunes 18/5. Trabajá en la carpeta).

See you on Monday!!!
Miss Claudia and Miss Laura

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